Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just Look What I Found

Oh man..
 I was cleaning out my phone and found quite the gem that I figured probably needed to be shared/documented.

 Blake just thought he was HILARIOUS at this time in our life. 
Every time we went any where he would park in the VERY last back spot of the parking lot so that I would have to waddle all the way to the store, and to justify these radical actions he just explained he was helping me go into labor.
This particular experience was probably the worst though..  he wasn't settling for the back of the parking lot when there were better options.
Somehow we ended up in the very last parking spot in the back of the parking lot BEHIND Target's parking lot.

Oh boy was he pretty proud of himself and it probably only took us, I don't know, twenty minutes to get up to the entrance of Target if you were curious

And then the BEST thing happened.

We found THE perfect toy box for Emery's room and somehow it had to get back to our car.
And clearly the 9 month along pregnant lady couldn't waddle with it, right?

So that left only one option.

I will just let you envision this walk of satisfaction on my part. Although I don't think this deterred Blake from his obscenely far parking.. this one moment of tear bringing laughter was enough for me.

So {back to the present} last week was Blake's spring break.. 
oh was it wonderful
it's so nice to have him home.
In fact there was a brief conversation about skipping Optometry school and him working from home.

But after all of our partying last week I have lots of catching up to do with pretty much everything
so I thought I would share this favorite little experience of mine today really fast and will catch up on more recent events just as soon as our baby figures out how to survive on her own and the cupboards figure out how to refill themselves. 

Hope everyone's been loving spring {and breaks} as much as we have over here!

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