Tuesday, June 12, 2012

After a girl is grown, her little brothers - now her protectors - seem like big brothers. -Terri Guillemets

hello my dear loved ones.
I had to take a little bit of a blogging break, a lot of life has been going on..
[cars breaking down, no internet, lots of working..]
 But  I'm grateful for the life experiences and all that Blake and I are learning..
& today I am back.

And since we left off on our traveling around the country..
Today I have to tell you about a special man in my life,
one that was so special that Blake and I planned our wedding reception trip so that we could fly BACK across the country to see.

This is my cute little/big brother Mitchy..

It is the weirdest thing to watch your LITTLE brother grow taller and taller than you,
To hear his voice become deep,

& To watch him go through things that I don't feel were THAT long ago for me..

So pretty much in a year or two.. We will probably be the same age.

Growing up this little guy has always been my little built in friend
that was always there to liven up my life..

[Yes.. this is in fact his PROM picture..]

& a couple of weeks ago the newly wedded husband and I got to fly back to my sweet little desert homeland for his GRADUATION..

This still makes me choke a little bit..

But brother I love you SO much and am SO proud of you..

All of the choices you have been making are going to pay off..

& I can't wait for you to be up with me in college!
It's going to be one big party.

Congratulations my smart cute little brother Mitchell..

& Congratulations Class of 2012!

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