Monday, January 23, 2012

"Champions keep playing until they get it right." -Billie Jean King

Well it's about that time again..

yeah. that's right.
Jazz Game Time.

Which means that when we have sweet generous nice giving friends who want to share their tickets.. 
a road trip is in order and we get to see a Jazz Game!
[I love it when that's what it means!]

 So this was our lovely Saturday..
 Just happy and road tripping a long..

When we were quickly reminded at how random the weather is here..
Which would be fine.. if when it snowed it did not give us surprise blizzards in the middle of our road trips!

So end of lovely Saturday Road Trip.
Hello Scary Icy Slushy Roads.

I was terrified naturally.
But... We Made It!

& it was a really awesome night getting to know all of the people Blake is going to be working with this summer.
I love the atmosphere of professional sports events,
Everyone is just SO excited to be there and in to what is going on..
& I don't care what you are doing.. I think that makes about anything more exciting.

We took some really great pictures.. 
Of the stadium.
What in the world are Blake and I doing in the way?!
The camera took care of that problem..

The Jazz Won!
Which always makes the games the most fun.

Now did we get home at four in the morning.. and have to wake up for church the next day at 9?
That is irrelevant.
But I will say that I may be rethinking late night Saturday road trips to Utah in the winter..
As fun as they may be.

Now on a more important note..

Happy Birthday My Anna Banna.
[Yes that says banna.. not banana.. thank you spell check]

Her  TWENTY FIRST birthday was Saturday!
[So if you haven't told her happy birthday yet.. It is definitely not too late]

& I hope it was the best ever.
Anna you are loved more than you know.

I hope everyone had a great weekend..
Happy Monday & start of a Brand New Week!


  1. aw, i'll definitely have to check out a jazz game soon. this snow is fabulous, i'm hoping for a full on blizzard, because i love the idea of just being locked up with my hubby :)
    xo TJ

  2. Hailey. Thanks for your comment. Cameron and I have enjoyed watching you grow into this young adult. Holy cow thank you for making us feel really old. Thank you also for being such an influence in my children's lives. you are awesome and do not forget it. I will be following you on your blog to keep track of you and your happiness.
