Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Emery: 3 Months

Oh my gosh this little girl just makes my heart want to burst.

She turned 3 months last week.

And her getting older is a little sad because I love her tininess and she is growing and changing so fast and I feel like I can't hold on to it.. but it's also soo awesome. 
She is more and more interactive and aware and I feel like I can have more of a relationship with her and I love it and her more than I ever thought I could.

Someone told me that the days are long but the years are short..
& Even though we haven't been through a year yet that's how I am already feeling about the months.

There are some days that I finally get her to bed and all the sudden my body just relaxes and I realize that I have been just.. clenched.

Emery is so much work. Like.. seriously way more work than I ever dreamed a baby could be.
Her emotions are very extreme either way, I would definitely not describe her as a calm relaxed baby..
But she can be just crazy sweet.

She is a BIG cuddler and always has been and I love love love that about her..
But it also can be what makes our days hard she wants someone to always be sitting with her or holding her.. and she will sure let you know.

Recently she has LOVED being rocked and sang to..
In fact if I am rocking her and not singing she has this like upset talking noise that's not really crying but you can tell she isn't happy.. and she will make it until I start singing.
It's kind of cute.

She thinks she is a big girl and doesn't really like to be held like a baby.. she has always liked to be held sitting up or standing and recently she is a lot better at it.

Yesterday at the library we went to baby time and she just sat up in my lap the whole time with her hands on my legs on either side of her watching and smiling as they sang. It kind of hurt my heart a little how big she seemed.

{She can't really sit up by herself yet she needs support.}

But something that she can do by herself now and has been doing a lot is grabbing things! She will grab at her toys now and can entertain/play by herself for little periods of time.
She loves to grab and hold your arm when you are holding her, or she will hold on to the bottle if you are feeding her from a bottle.

If she is awake it's hard to get a picture of her standing still she is constantly wiggling and kicking.. 
she has sooo much energy.

And the very very best thing about this stage is the cooing. Oh my gosh it melts my heart every single time.
She just loves talking to you and gets so excited when you talk back.

& She has been laughing.. 
Blake started playing the piano with her feet and she just died over it.. 
Just laughing and smiling like you wouldn't believe.

She has to have surgery on her belly button today because it didn't all come off and heal right.
{I have been dreading this for the last month.. poor baby}
But other than that she is happy and healthy and I think just perfect.

She is wearing 3 month old clothes, still is sleeping 7 hours a night-but isn't very good about taking naps, growing like a weed, and just a sweet social baby girl.

I feel so blessed to have this best little buddy of mine while her dad has been gone working so hard in school.

Somedays definitely go smoother than others and we are still kind of figuring things out but
all of the hard work is definitely worth it.

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