Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Growing Old Together

During my little break from blogging..
This sweet man turned another year older.
I am convinced that people don't come any better than this boy right here.
[& I know that I gush about him and share this fact a lot.. but seriously he deserves it]
This last week, I am still feeling so grateful/loved/dumbfounded, he drove me all the way down town (at least 30 minutes away) the night before HIS big final just to sit outside my classroom until I was done because I really wanted to go to class but it's getting hard/uncomfortable to drive.
[And because I had been having contractions that day and he didn't want me to have to be alone.]
And even though he constantly is so good to me I still am just floored that anyone can be so loving and kind..
Blake really is the most selfless, loving person I have ever met. And not just to me..
He is constantly reminding me how blessed we are and how we need to be more giving and serving of others.
I am humbled constantly at how hard he works to live what he knows to be right and to make sure others needs are met and that they are happy and feel appreciated.
I wish that we had more than one official day to just celebrate you babe.
You are forever my very best friend and greatest dream come true.
Thank you for reminding me to be better and to love my Savior more each day.
My very largest blessing in life is getting to experience life and grow old with you...
thank you for picking me and letting me spend your special days with you.
 I can't wait for all of the rest to come!
I hope that you had as much fun as I did celebrating.
Heres to the next year! I hope your years just keep getting better and better.

I love you forever.

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