So I probably should blog about the Fourth of July now that July is over right? Because that would make sense..
I am really struggling with this keeping up thing..
I am really struggling with this keeping up thing..
So Fourth of July has always seemed to be one of Blake's most favorite holidays and this year I really got to see why.
My cute inlaws sure know how to throw a Fourth of July PARTY.

One of Blake's cousins lives on the road the parade is on every year and so they so sweetly invited us along with all of their extended family over for breakfast!
[You can kind of see the breakfast table all the way over on the left side of the picture]

They absolutely spoiled us, it was delicious.
And okay.. seriously how stinkin cute is their house..
All of it couldn't have been anymore perfect they were the best hosts and it was such a fun way to start out our morning.

One of Blake's cousins lives on the road the parade is on every year and so they so sweetly invited us along with all of their extended family over for breakfast!
[You can kind of see the breakfast table all the way over on the left side of the picture]

And okay.. seriously how stinkin cute is their house..
All of it couldn't have been anymore perfect they were the best hosts and it was such a fun way to start out our morning.
& The parade was just one big festive event.
I will say Idaho Falls always seems to surprise me with the number of people that live here and celebrate these things! It was huge.
[Blake's cousin Annie was cheerleading in the parade and her niece and nephews sure didn't want her to leave, it was the sweetest thing.. and from her face you can tell that she sure thougth so too..haha]
I took a lot of pictures of the parade and didn't want to post them ALL but this one I couldn't resist.
I don't think I've ever seen a camel in a parade before, especially a star tatooed one.
Haha my morning was made.
Then after the parade & after we ran to my inlaws house and hurried and made food for this big family picnic that was happening.
I got to go on my very first TANDEM BIKE RIDE!
Please note how Blake's feet are OFF of the pedals.. I think that is pretty much how our life goes.
[With me exclaiming "Blake seriously we are going to tip over, feet on the pedals!" and him just being happy & having fun]
Haha I'm glad he helps me enjoy life.. but I was actually a little nervous a couple times during this little rendevous.
I don't know if you've ever riden a tandem bike but although it is way fun, it is pretty weird.
Especially in the back when you absolutely can not steer, I am grateful I went with someone I trust because it's hard not being able to control your bike!
Another word of wisdom.. don't ride a bike of any sort in a dress, it puts a damper on how adventurous you are willing to get..
& This picture I absolutely love I don't know how/why it turned out this way but I thought the colors were cool enough I wanted to share it.
Also, as you can see.. Blake has lead us onto the GRASS..
and I just had absolutely no say in the matter, the roads just weren't exciting enough for him.
and I just had absolutely no say in the matter, the roads just weren't exciting enough for him.

Then we had this big delicious absolutely homemade picnic.
There was homemade rootbear and french fries and donuts.. mm.. and okay okay.. there was chicken.. that I have to admit wasn't exactly homemade.. but man it was good.
I think I gained 10 lbs before noon!
& Blake got to shoot off his little fireworks stash that he has been saving since I don't know,
before we were even married..
It's times like these that I definitely get to see the little boy in him.
It was seriously SO cute he was so dang excited.
& Then my little Bingham family went with us to a
Chukars baseball game!
I hadn't ever been before but this is the Idaho Falls Semi Pro team..
& I sure love watching baseball so I was way excited.
Chukars baseball game!
I hadn't ever been before but this is the Idaho Falls Semi Pro team..
& I sure love watching baseball so I was way excited.
The game was really fun.
This part of the day I have to admit did make me a little homesick..
This part of the day I have to admit did make me a little homesick..
Farmington, my home town, is huge on baseball. Every summer they have the Connie Mack World Series and teams from all over come to compeat and it's something that has always really felt like summer to me. It's fun to go and see/catch up with seriously the whole town & I'm sad I'm missing it this year.
But I will say the Chukars game felt very festive and I was grateful we got to spend part of our Fourth of July here.
Thanks Sweetheart.
And THEN I got to see my very first fireworks show in Idaho believe it or not!
Seriously since I have moved here like 4 1/2 years ago every one has been telling me it's the best fireworks show on the west side of the Mississippi..
& I was a little skeptical,
I figured it was good,
But really that good?
& Guys, I think they might have been that good.
I don't feel like these pictures do them justice.
They were definitely the biggest/longest fireworks that I've seen that's for sure.
It was like a finale for literally a solid 30 minutes straight and they were set to amazing music &
They were the kind of fireworks that boomed so loud it just shook your heart.
& More importantly than the days festivities..
[although they were more than I could have expected or asked for]
I have to say that I. Love. America.
I am always so grateful to have been blessed enough to be born here and to be free, and through out all that is happening I still wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
We are one lucky group of people.
My home sweet home.
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