Friday, February 8, 2013

Abandoned... Left For Dead

Well yesterday my sweet husband.. who promised and swore to stay with me FOR.EV.ER...

Packed up his things.. and ABANDONED me..
With out even a second thought.. from the looks of things.


He is touring an Optometry office in Arizona.. and as you can see by that sweet smile he is THRILLED.

Therefore.. As you can also see..

I am so THRILLED for him..

Okay.. so not so thrilled. I may have cried.. it's all a little fuzzy
I begged and pleaded and bribed him to stay.. I tried using brute force and black mail.
& Finally after the trillionth time of him telling me that it was "good for our family's future"..
 I guess I gave in.
[One way or another HE LEFT]

And luckily for great friends 
[& an awwesome cute sister texting me to keep me company].. 
I had a fun girls night.
 & My sweet Aubrey stayed with me until Midnight having food and girl talk keeping me company until we were exhausted..
[I love you Aub.]

 & Then in our DARK, COLD, LONELY apartment.. I turned on Brave.. and fell asleep to it so that I would be Brave my first night sleeping by myself almost ten months. 

And thank goodness for Disney.. I think it worked.

& Everyone I know you were wondering.. but wonder no more.. I SURVIVED. 

And it's FRIDAY.

I hope everyone has the best weekend...
 [& although I may be being a liiittle over dramatic, I do hope that Saturday gets here soon..]

& if anyone feels the desire to come over/call/lovvve me/feel the void of my missing husband..

You will be well received. 

I love you all.

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