So many of you are probably thinking to yourself..
I wonder if Hailey has died... she has become so atrocious at blogging..
& although that is most definitely true.
[The atrocious blogging part.. not the dying part.. I'm still alive thank goodness]
I am here to explain myself to my loyal followers that I so love..

This iswhere I spend my time in my life
I like to believe that I am becoming smarter.. but either way.. this is as good as it gets some days. haha
Library dates with my sweetheart.

He really loves it when I take pictures of him in the library because I hadn't quite figured out how to turn off the noises on my phone when it takes pictures! haha.. ha
SO as my loud click noise on my phone echoed through the silent library..
I think he was really happy to be sitting by me..
[that's what his happy face means-I know it may not look that way but let me assure you]
But.. SERIOUSLY now..
I have some really awesome news.
1. There are only a few more weeks of school left!
2. That means that there is only one more semester left until I am married! :)
3. That also means there are only two more semesters left until I am GRADUATED with my Bachelors!
It just gets better and better!
& next week is Thanksgiving.. so hopefully I will have lots more time to blog and fun stories to share.
& now.. since we are on the subject of fun stories..
Yesterday morning was quite the way start my Thursday..
I woke up to go running at 5:45 and when I went outside to go start my car...
It was no where to be found!
ah. not good.

So then I remembered that Blake had picked me up from the library the night before and I had forgotten to get my car!
& I was parked RIGHT in front of a NO PARKING from 2am-7am sign.
[& I remember thinking who in the world would park here from those times as I got out of my car! Obviously I would. ha]
SO I was so terrified my car was towed..
[this town is the worst worst worst about giving you tickets, boots, and towing. I hate it.]
So Blake woke up at 6 like the loving fiance he is and took me to my car & to my astonishment I didn't have so much as a ticket!
Then after he left I was in the best mood because of how blessed I had been that morning & I stopped at the store and bought breakfast for my roommates and Blake before I had gotten home.
Then when my roommate Elana saw me setting out muffins she frantically yells at me to get upstairs.. hides the muffins in the microwave and makes me go to my room.. haha
Then next thing I know she is bringing me "breakfast in bed' that Blake had made for me..
with this cute note:
This was meant to be breakfast in bed....
but you are so ambitious sometimes haha.
I love you babe, and i hope this helps your day start off happy :)
Love, Blake

This is
I like to believe that I am becoming smarter.. but either way.. this is as good as it gets some days. haha
Library dates with my sweetheart.

He really loves it when I take pictures of him in the library because I hadn't quite figured out how to turn off the noises on my phone when it takes pictures! haha.. ha
SO as my loud click noise on my phone echoed through the silent library..
I think he was really happy to be sitting by me..
[that's what his happy face means-I know it may not look that way but let me assure you]
But.. SERIOUSLY now..
I have some really awesome news.
1. There are only a few more weeks of school left!
2. That means that there is only one more semester left until I am married! :)
3. That also means there are only two more semesters left until I am GRADUATED with my Bachelors!
It just gets better and better!
& next week is Thanksgiving.. so hopefully I will have lots more time to blog and fun stories to share.
& now.. since we are on the subject of fun stories..
Yesterday morning was quite the way start my Thursday..
I woke up to go running at 5:45 and when I went outside to go start my car...
It was no where to be found!
ah. not good.

So then I remembered that Blake had picked me up from the library the night before and I had forgotten to get my car!
& I was parked RIGHT in front of a NO PARKING from 2am-7am sign.
[& I remember thinking who in the world would park here from those times as I got out of my car! Obviously I would. ha]
SO I was so terrified my car was towed..
[this town is the worst worst worst about giving you tickets, boots, and towing. I hate it.]
So Blake woke up at 6 like the loving fiance he is and took me to my car & to my astonishment I didn't have so much as a ticket!
Then after he left I was in the best mood because of how blessed I had been that morning & I stopped at the store and bought breakfast for my roommates and Blake before I had gotten home.
Then when my roommate Elana saw me setting out muffins she frantically yells at me to get upstairs.. hides the muffins in the microwave and makes me go to my room.. haha
Then next thing I know she is bringing me "breakfast in bed' that Blake had made for me..
with this cute note:
This was meant to be breakfast in bed....
but you are so ambitious sometimes haha.
I love you babe, and i hope this helps your day start off happy :)
Love, Blake
He is probably the most genuinely good person I've ever met.. I don't know how I ever got so lucky.
& I am so grateful for such a sweet roommate that is willing to wake up at 6:30 to help make my morning better.
Then a couple of hours later when I was walking to class with my other sweet roommate Chantal,
we were lucky enough to walk out right when it had started snowing
[which actually.. probably wasn't luck since it's always snowing here!]
& we hadn't even made it like 20 steps from our apartment when we realized that the snow was covering up the ice
& I completely slipped and took out Chantal's legs too.
& before we knew it we were both on the ground laughing so hard we couldn't get up..
Curious how many more times I will probably fall before the winter is over?
Well the count starts now.
Other good news?
I think I finally picked out my wedding colors..
Teal, Gray, and a Bright Purple.
So now I have to get the wedding planning show on the road!
Oh & last thing that I feel is blog worthy today..
These amazing Chinese Acrobats are called the
Golden Dragon Acrobats
& they were doing things that I don't even think I could dream up myself doing!
Blake took me and some friends to go see them and there wasn't a minute I wasn't impressed.
SO if you haven't seen them.. you should definitely go.
I hope everyone else is doing great.. & not spending their life studying!
Have a wonderful weekend.. happy Friday!
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