So is anyone else wondering if I have forgotten that I have a blog?
Because I definitely.... have NOT.
School just makes it hard to have a regular blogging schedule..
Everything's been a little crazy with classes and homework and my church things..
SO today instead of dwelling on all of that business.. I'm going to talk about some things that make me very happy..
First of all... My Dear Mother..
She is always making such cute things.. but these cards I LOVED and they were very appropriate because.. she IS my sunshine..
Nothing makes college students happier than receiving mail and knowing their family remembers and loves them.. [or at least that's the case for me.. so.. I'm going to stereotype and assume it's the same for all college students with sweet families..]
& not only does my mom send things in the mail for me..
But she sends them for my roommates too!
I have the best mom in the world.. I love you momma.
Second thing I love..
See those beautiful flowers brightening up my desk?
My sweet fiance gave me them just as a surprise one day when I wasn't feeling very good..
& Then this last weekend we celebrated our one year anniversary!
[more on that when we've uploaded our pictures]
that definitely makes it on the list of things that make me happy.
I will say now.. [before my official one year anniversary blog] that it's crazy how much has happened in the last wonderful year of my life!
[This picture is one of my first dates with Blake.. I think he was making me laugh because he was making fun of our cute little pumpkin!]
& So this year I learned my lesson and I let HIM carve our pumpkin.
[or more like he was so nice when I kept handing it to him and telling him it was his turn.. haha]

Our friends gave us this cool idea so we tried it and I think we have discovered an awesome new pumpkin carving trick!
If you get cookie cutters & gently hammer them in your pumpkin,
you get perfect shapes!

Ours is on the right... can you tell what it is?
[If you can't tell don't tell us because after me jumping around excitedly because it was falling apart and both of us sticking in lots of toothpicks.. I think you form a special attachment to a pumpkin that takes so much work.]
But just in case you can't tell.. we carved [and by we.. yes I mean Blake] a witch and a caldron with a moon.. and our cookie cutter cat is on the side..
& along with the pumpkin carving..
[after we got through a few very snowy days in this dear little town]
I've gotten my wish and have been able to celebrate halloween/fall inbetween homework, tests, & class..
and that is the best I could ever hope for..
Blake took me to the Nightmare on 13th haunted house in Utah..
this was one dang good haunted house..
& I was terrified.
So if you have some extra cash and want to be scared out of your mind.. I would definitely recommend going!
Then a group of friends invited us to go to the Haunted Mill
[a little closer to our college home thank goodness]..
& that one was slightly less terrifying..
which I don't know if everyone else likes to be in terror.. but at least in my mind when I'm not closing my eyes screaming the whole time, that definitely makes it also..
slightly more fun..

& Ya know..
It also could have been a little less terrifying because we were stopping to pose with the scary people..

[or more like he was so nice when I kept handing it to him and telling him it was his turn.. haha]
Our friends gave us this cool idea so we tried it and I think we have discovered an awesome new pumpkin carving trick!
If you get cookie cutters & gently hammer them in your pumpkin,
you get perfect shapes!
Ours is on the right... can you tell what it is?
[If you can't tell don't tell us because after me jumping around excitedly because it was falling apart and both of us sticking in lots of toothpicks.. I think you form a special attachment to a pumpkin that takes so much work.]
But just in case you can't tell.. we carved [and by we.. yes I mean Blake] a witch and a caldron with a moon.. and our cookie cutter cat is on the side..
& along with the pumpkin carving..
[after we got through a few very snowy days in this dear little town]
I've gotten my wish and have been able to celebrate halloween/fall inbetween homework, tests, & class..
and that is the best I could ever hope for..
Blake took me to the Nightmare on 13th haunted house in Utah..
this was one dang good haunted house..
& I was terrified.
So if you have some extra cash and want to be scared out of your mind.. I would definitely recommend going!
Then a group of friends invited us to go to the Haunted Mill
[a little closer to our college home thank goodness]..
& that one was slightly less terrifying..
which I don't know if everyone else likes to be in terror.. but at least in my mind when I'm not closing my eyes screaming the whole time, that definitely makes it also..
slightly more fun..
& Ya know..
It also could have been a little less terrifying because we were stopping to pose with the scary people..
& when you see these "scary" little creatures in the light..
you realize they are wearing velvet dresses!
& I don't know about everyone else..
but velvet dresses don't scream terrifying monster to me?
But to Tim they obviously did.. so to each his own I suppose.
We also found that if you were just nice to the monsters..
You aren't any fun to them anymore so they leave you alone!
[which.. is completely okayy with me.]
I guess the saying Kill Them With Kindness even works for monsters!
When we were at the Nightmare on 13th haunted house there were these girls that were scared out of their minds of the chainsaw guy and he thought it was so funny so he had backed them into the corner and I was pretty sure they were going to pass out from shock!
eugh. poor girls.. I hate being scared!
Lucky for me.. the scary man wouldn't even grab our feet when we wanted him to!
I've got to find a happy medium with these things..
[speaking of which... less than two weeks until I'm 21! ah.]
Sorry my blogging has been the epitome of horrible!
I have lots to catch you up on... & promise I will as soon as I get caught up on all of my school work.
I hope everyone else is getting a chance to enjoy Fall- & I hope it's slightly warmer there for you!
Have a good Thursday!
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