So finals are over. I am home with my family. Christmas is in a week.. [ahh.]
& we just finished watching It’s a Wonderful Life..
& this might be a blog more appropriate for my journal but the movie was so awesome,
that I felt like it needed to be addressed to the world..
I think that it’s easy to forget our purpose in this life and to get caught up in the busyness of the world and forget that we have worth and meaning.. and influence.
But we do! Every person has touched so many more lives than we know.. and if you’re reading this I hope you know that
Your life.. is a wonderful life.
So be grateful for it and enjoy it.
So now [let me jump off of my soap box.. ]
Curious to as what’s been going on in my life for the last couple weeks?
Uh uh.
A little bit of Exhaustion. & Lots of Studying.
[My cute roommate snuck this picture while I passed out listening to my exciting Law Videos.. next thing I knew my lights were off and my whole apartment was laughing and sending this picture out.. luckily one got sent to me so I can help share it even more. Haha don’t worry guys, got your back.]
But so far my fingers are crossed that it’s been worth it..
& luckily there has been a little time for celebrating in between.
[Unfortunately I left my camera cable up at school so I can’t get any pictures off my camera right now so phone pictures/internet pictures will have to paint the picture I am trying to.]
The night before one of my biggest tests Blake took me out to look at Christmas lights.
It’s something that I used to love that my family did growing up and it’s a really comforting/Christmas Spirit bringing activity for me.. I love all of you who decorate your house for Christmas! Thanks for the joy that you bring to others..
Then when the tests were over I showed some friends something that I did growing up..
& I was SO suprised hardly anyone had heard of it!
[But I guess if they would have, they wouldn't have been nearly as impressed and it wouldn't have been as fun!]
We made stained glass cookies.
They are way easier than they look..
& It was so cute as everyone was watching in awe as these were being cooked in the oven. I swear Blake turned on the oven light 3 times in the 10 minutes they were baking!
So if you want something fun to do with those that you love these seemed to be a big hit.. so try them! & let me know how it goes..
If you want the recipe click..
& since we are on the subject of cute activities...
[Even though we may be a holiday behind]
These were something a sweet family from our church brought around that my mom taught us how to make at thanksgiving..
They are acorns! And besides for being super cute.. they taste delicious.
THIS blog has lots of cute ideas.
Other highlights of the last couple weeks?
Blake's cousin Chad invented a legit hover board..
Did anyone else not know that was possible?!
I don't know if I'm just behind on the times or what, but I was pretty darn impressed.
[I think that's blog worthy.]
Our dear friend Josh forgot there was something in the oven and ended up
lighting the whole thing on fire!
Quite the adventure, I'm pretty sure I smelt like smoke for days.
& I went to the most amazing Christmas concert of my life!
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir puts on a Christmas concert every year at the conference center and this year I got so lucky and Blake's family let me go with them to it!
The decorations were so beautiful. The singing and dancing and stories were absolutely amazing.
There was snow coming from the ceiling at a couple of parts of the concert.
[It was seriously breathtaking.]
If you ever get a chance to go definitely take it.
But while I am camera less.. I think that is all for now..
I’ll blog soon and keep you updated with the Christmas festivities..
I hope everyone is having happy holidays!
I love you all!