So one of my very dearest oldest.. best friends
[& my very biggest blessings] tied the knot..
June 7th 2013.
& Luckily her new husband is one of the kindest most loving people, & I know he is going to love and take care of her.
[In the words of my mom at our wedding..
It would be harder to give you away if every time he looked at you he wasn't smiling so big..]

And even though I'm a little biased.. I really think this was one of the most beautiful fun weddings/wedding weeks that I have ever been blessed enough to be apart of.

So in order to get there in time, I drove straight from Rexburg Idaho to Durango, Colorado..
[with a little pit stop in Farmington of course.. to see the family]
& I got there just in time for Kayla's Bachelorette Party..
[Oh she loved that crown.. haha you're a good sport Kay.]
We spent the night out on the town enjoying the kindness that everyone was showing Kayla.. that crown definitely was worth it's while.. people we didn't know were spoiling her left and right.
I was so grateful they were taking such great care of her.. and we all had so much fun.
And then, did I mention Kayla's Parents rented us this beautiful house to stay in for the week.. holy smokes. It was breathtaking.
So after the Bachlorette party we layed out on this deck and looked at the stars and talked the night away.
& I was reminded of how much I missed my sweet friends.
Then next morning bright and early they took us out RAFTING.
& I haven't been rafting since right after I graduated high school so I was dang excited.
As you can see.. I am the brave one.. working hard in the middle of the raft.
Haha.. Thanks guys for picking up the slack.
Oh it was beautiful.. I have MISSED this weather.
I think the only thing that could have made it more perfect is if my sweet husband could have made the trip with me.
This week was to die for.
Right when we got into the rafts the cute wedding couple's raft hit a rock and
Kayla completely flipped off the edge of the raft!
Kayla completely flipped off the edge of the raft!
Oh my gosh.. we were dying.. [I'm sorry for laughing Kay. :)] But it all almost happened in slow motion.. poor girl.
It definitely set the fun tone for our trip down the river.
After our perfect Rafting trip we got to come back to the house..
[[And after quite the nap on my part..]]
We all had fun getting ready.
I have always been a girl.. that loves me some girl time.
And as we giggled and talked and got ready together I was just in heaven. I haven't really had a lot of that in a while.
And as we giggled and talked and got ready together I was just in heaven. I haven't really had a lot of that in a while.
[& I am kicking myself for not taking more pictures..I actually had to steal this one]
Then we went to a wedding rehearsal and the most delicious fun rehearsal dinner..
& Then the next day it was all about the wedding business.
I bet you will not believe that I spilt basically that whole bottle of nail polish remover.. good thing everyone else had already painted their nails. Oh. Boy.
Kayla wore her mom's old wedding dress..
with a little bit of alteration..
And she seriously looked breath taking.
Also Kayla has very good taste in friends I have to say. :) It's funny because I felt like all of us were really different and I actually didn't even know a few of the girls before I had gotten there and they were just perfect. They were so fun and everyone was so helpful and supportive seriously the whole week.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this perfect day Kay. I love you!
Love you Kayla Garling Waterhouse!
The Ceremony was beautiful. I thought everything went perfect. Everything looked so like them &
I'm serious I think that it was a struggle for Kayla and Andy to stop smiling.
While the rest of us were balling our eyes out they were seriously the most excited happy in love couple, it was so sweet.
The music was.. awesome.
And then the rest of the night was just one big party.
They had a big dinner for everyone.. lots and lots of dancing. We had games and this big smores bar.
And the reception was right on this beautiful lake and candlit dock.. everything felt so romantic.
Oh it was perfect & it was so fun to see and catch up with friends & to celebrate this huge day of Kayla and Andy..
I definitely wasn't ready for it to end.
Congratulations Kayla and Andy!
You are so perfect together.. and man.. can you throw a party.
I love you both. And am so excited for your adventures in Kentucky. I wish I could live closer and see you more often but it definitely makes the times when I do get to see my best friend even that more special.
Andy take good care of her.. I know you know how special she is.
You guys are always in my heart.
& Thanks for letting me be a part of one perfect week..
I love you!
Congratulations to one Perfect Couple!!