Everyday I tell myself [& probably everyone else..]
That I am going to blog.. every day.. faithfully..
& It's just one of those things that I guess I have to keep trying at..
My thought is that once I am a stay at home mom..
[which yes.. I plan on being eventually.... & no I'm not pregnant]
I'll be home enough and want to remember what's going on enough to keep you consistently updated..
However.. only time can tell.. right?
Haha so.. be patient.. and stay tuned.
Even though January is almost over.. it's not quite yet..
So I think it's okay to recap our 2012 year review..
This has definitely been one of the.. if not the most..
eventful years of my life..

Our family just keeps getting bigger and bigger..
& The new additions have been so wonderful..
[Sorry these are so blurry..but you get the picture]
On the way to our Honeymoon we got to go to Las Vegas for Blake's very first time!
& The sweet receptionist suprised us with her wedding gift and let us stay in a suite at the very top of the Stratosphere..
For our Honeymoon we went on our first Cruise..
& Got to go to explore old Mexico..
& After our Mexican Trip.. We got to drive Coast to Coast from California to New Jersey..
Our first big stop on the way was Mount Rusmore.. for Blake's first time ever.
Then after a fun stop in Nebraska to see my best friend Anna and her boyfriend Brandon..
We got to see/play around in Chicago for a day..
We were able to live just outside of New York city for the summer and spend a lot of time visiting..
[& I'm already dyyying to go back we loved it..]
We saw my first really famous person, Ben Stiller, just across the street filming a movie..
Like it was no big deal.. we all know he was definitely excited.. haha
We saw the good ol' Lady Liberty..
& We visited the 9/11 memorial site.. developing I think a little better understanding and real empathy for our country.
We got to visit Phillidelphia a few times and see Betsy Ross's Flag, Eat and order authentic Philly Cheese Steaks,
& see touch the famous Liberty Bell.
We got to see my best friend Kayla in New York City..
Which.. was SO fun/awesome/crazy.
& We were able to play around in the famous FAO Shwartz..
We did a lot of Church History touring..
& Saw the Sacred Grove and had one of the sweetest experiences.
Our boss took us to see the Phillies and introduced Blake to Major League Baseball..
We made a lot of really wonderful new friends..
& They helped us really experience New Jersey Rain Storms..
[Yes..this is a puddle..]
We got to spend a day in Washington D.C..
And visit the Cake Boss for my cute sister..
We went to our first amazing Broadway Play..
We got our first tent and camping gear and got to camp our way back across the country from the East Coast back to the Southwest..
[This is on the Mississippi River in Nauvoo]
We moved back to Idaho to finish school..
& Had a big birthday part to celebrate my mature age turning of 22..
My cute brother moved up to Idaho and went to school with us and I loved every second of it...

We have been celebrating our year as Newly Weds..
& Cut down our very first Christmas Tree!
We have been celebrating our year as Newly Weds..
& Cut down our very first Christmas Tree!
& Then I was able to GRADUATE college hallelujah..
The same year Mitchy graduated High School..
so I thought that was kind of fun..
Now I'm counting down the days until it's this cute guys turn..