Finally after finals, traveling home, & some more wedding planning/organizing..
I am here to briefly update everyone.
[& on that note.. I'm sorry that my blogs have been a lot of just keeping everyone up to date with what's going on and no fun recipes or ideas or anything anyone can use with their life..
After the wedding when life slows down I'll try hard to do better]
So first thing I feel is worth mentioning..
I won our March Madness bracket competition..
[all the other candy I won is hiding in this picture.. but lets just say Blake & I are set for our road trip:) ]
& let me tell you why this is needing to be mentioned,
because I may or may not have watched a single basketball season..
or last season..
or the season before..
or pretty much ever unless I get to go see them in person.
So am I the most deserving?
Probably not..
The most fortunate?
Well sometimes you just get lucky.
Next thing in my life that is blog worthy according to Hailey?
Admit it.. This is kind of funny.
Someone at my school is kind of funny.
[Thank you Elisheva for finding this.. perfect surprise for finals week]
My Business Teacher hates me..
Which explains the dang B..
But you win some you lose some.. & with everything that's been going on.. I'll take it.
I FINALLY got my business finance internship in New Jersey..
Over here..
& although I am slightly nervous..
I am also SO excited to get to go on an adventure with my best friend.
& I am SO happy and relieved and
& Fifthly,
[Which is probably too many points for a short update]
I was the worst at taking pictures for Easter..
[& basically at doing anything that's not wedding related this last week unfortunately]

for this internship..
I really needed it to graduate so.
what a blessing.
So while I'm experiencing culture shock.. & learning to live outside of a desert..
I'll be missing everyone.
[& you'll be hearing lots of adventures]
So while I'm experiencing culture shock.. & learning to live outside of a desert..
I'll be missing everyone.
[& you'll be hearing lots of adventures]
& Fifthly,
[Which is probably too many points for a short update]
I was the worst at taking pictures for Easter..
[& basically at doing anything that's not wedding related this last week unfortunately]

But I hope you all got to celebrate your Savior
& new life and the opportunity that forgiveness and Christ has given you..
I've enjoyed getting to be home with my family in this last minute wedding preparation blitz..
Also if you haven't gotten an invitation yet and you are from Farmington,
We just barely sent them out since the Reception is at the end of May..
So don't feel left out they are coming!
& if you aren't from Farmington and feel like we didn't get you one send me an email with your address & we will make sure you're officially invited!
I love you all & hope that your week has been slightly less stressful than mine.
All of the wedding stuff will come soon.. prepare yourself.
I love my family more than I can say,
& am grateful for everything that my family "in laws" are doing that make it possible for me to be home right now before Blake & I get married. Also if you haven't gotten an invitation yet and you are from Farmington,
We just barely sent them out since the Reception is at the end of May..
So don't feel left out they are coming!
& if you aren't from Farmington and feel like we didn't get you one send me an email with your address & we will make sure you're officially invited!
I love you all & hope that your week has been slightly less stressful than mine.
All of the wedding stuff will come soon.. prepare yourself.